
How to Prepare for IELTS Writing to Get 7.0 Bands and Above?

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Writing is a section of the IELTS test that measures a candidate's ability to write in English. It is one of the four sections of the IELTS test, the others being Listening, Reading, and Speaking. IELTS Writing is divided into two tasks, Task 1 and Task 2, and candidates are required to complete both tasks within a time limit of 60 minutes.

Task 1 requires candidates to describe, summarize, or explain visual information in their own words, while Task 2 requires candidates to write an essay in response to a given prompt. The IELTS Writing test is assessed on four criteria: Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. Each criterion is worth 25% of the total score.

The IELTS Writing test is a crucial component of the IELTS exam, and it can make a significant difference in a candidate's overall score. Achieving a band score of 7.0 or above in IELTS Writing is considered a good score and can be an essential requirement for academic or immigration purposes.

Therefore, preparing for IELTS Writing is essential to achieve a high score and increase one's chances of success in various academic and professional pursuits. With proper preparation, candidates can improve their writing skills, develop their ability to organize their thoughts and ideas coherently, and increase their chances of scoring high in the test.

In this article, we will discuss some tips and strategies to help candidates prepare for IELTS Writing and achieve a band score of 7.0 or above. We will cover various aspects of IELTS Writing, including Task 1 and Task 2, and provide practical advice on how to improve writing skills and maximize scores. By the end of this article, candidates should have a better understanding of what is expected of them in the IELTS Writing test and how to prepare effectively to achieve their desired band score.

Understand the IELTS Writing Test

Test Format

The IELTS Writing test is slightly different for the Academic and General Training versions of the exam. For the Academic version, the Writing test is divided into two tasks. Task 1 requires candidates to describe, summarize, or explain visual information, such as a graph, chart, or diagram. Task 2 requires candidates to write an essay in response to a given prompt, which could be an argument, opinion, or problem.

For the General Training version, Task 1 requires candidates to write a letter in response to a given prompt, which could be a formal or informal letter. The letter could be related to requesting information, making a complaint, or seeking employment, among other things. Task 2 requires candidates to write an essay in response to a given prompt, which could be an argument, opinion, or problem.

In both versions of the exam, candidates are expected to write their responses in a formal, academic or semi-formal style, depending on the task, and to organize their ideas logically and coherently. It is essential to address all aspects of the prompt and to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to convey their message effectively.


Scoring Criteria

The IELTS Writing test is assessed on four criteria: Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. Each criterion is worth 25% of the total score, and the scores are averaged to produce a final band score.

Task Achievement assesses how well the candidate addresses all aspects of the prompt and provides relevant information to support their ideas. Coherence and Cohesion assesses how well the candidate organizes their ideas and uses linking devices to connect sentences and paragraphs. 

Similarly, Lexical Resource assesses the candidate's ability to use a wide range of vocabulary accurately and appropriately. Grammatical Range and Accuracy assesses the candidate's ability to use a variety of sentence structures and grammatical forms correctly.


Common Mistakes to Avoid

One of the most common mistakes candidates make in the IELTS Writing test is not addressing all aspects of the prompt. It is essential to read the prompt carefully and make sure to include all the necessary information in the response. Another mistake is not organizing ideas logically and coherently. It is important to use appropriate linking words and phrases to connect sentences and paragraphs and to avoid repetition.

Candidates should also avoid using overly complicated vocabulary or sentence structures that they are not comfortable with. It is better to use simple, clear language that the candidate is confident with rather than trying to impress the examiner with complex vocabulary or grammar.

Finally, candidates should make sure to proofread their writing carefully to avoid spelling or grammatical errors. They should also check the word count to ensure they have written the minimum required number of words for each task.


Develop your Writing Skills

Enhance your Vocabulary

To improve your vocabulary, read widely and regularly. Pay attention to new words and their meanings, and try to use them in your writing. You can also use online resources like flashcards and vocabulary lists to learn new words and their contexts.


Improve your Grammar and Sentence Structure

Improving your grammar and sentence structure is essential for achieving a high score in the IELTS Writing test. You can practice using grammar exercises, online resources, or grammar books. It is also helpful to identify common grammar errors you make and work to correct them.


Practice Writing Essays

Essay Structure

Knowing the basic structure of an essay is crucial for scoring well on the IELTS Writing test. An essay should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should include a thesis statement that clearly presents the main idea of the essay. The body paragraphs should support the thesis statement with relevant information, examples, and evidence. The conclusion should summarize the main points and restate the thesis statement.


Common Essay Topics

Practice writing essays on a variety of topics that are likely to appear in the IELTS Writing test. Common topics include education, technology, environment, health, and social issues. We have compiled a list of essay topics for effective IELTS preparation below. You can also find the sample answers for the essays by clicking here.

IELTS Essay Topics:

  • Education and Schools

  • Technology and its impact

  • Health and fitness

  • Environmental problems and solutions

  • Climate change

  • Crime and punishment

  • Immigration and international travel

  • Animal rights and welfare

  • Business and economics

  • Globalization and its effects

  • Politics and government

  • Family and relationships

  • Social media and its impact

  • Gender equality and discrimination

  • Tourism and travel

  • Poverty and homelessness

  • Cultural differences and globalization

  • Art and culture

  • Scientific developments and their impact

  • Food and nutrition

  • Language learning and communication

  • Public transportation and traffic

  • Urbanization and city planning

  • Science vs. religion

  • Child rearing and parenting

  • Freedom of speech and censorship

  • Aging and the elderly

  • Nuclear energy and alternative sources of energy

  • Sports and recreation

  • Sustainable living and conservation

  • Fashion and consumerism

  • International aid and development

  • War and conflict

  • Social inequality and poverty

  • Privacy and security

  • Cultural heritage and preservation

  • Health care and medicine

  • Happiness and well-being

  • Internet and its impact on society

  • Space exploration and colonization

  • Smoking and its effects on health

  • Artificial intelligence and robotics

  • Advertising and its impact on society

  • Work and employment

  • Democracy and democratic institutions

  • Aging populations and social support

  • Disability and accessibility

  • Relationships between countries

  • Creativity and innovation

  • Technology and education


Time Management

Practice managing your time effectively when writing essays. Remember, you have only 40 minutes to write an essay in Task 2 of the IELTS Writing test. Plan your essay before you start writing, allotting enough time for each section. Focus on writing a well-structured essay that addresses all aspects of the prompt within the given time frame.

In summary, developing your writing skills is essential for preparing for the IELTS Writing test. Enhance your vocabulary, improve your grammar and sentence structure, and practice writing essays on a variety of topics. Remember to follow the basic essay structure, manage your time effectively, and address all aspects of the prompt to achieve a high score in the exam.


Learn Effective Writing Techniques to Get 7 Bands and Above

Cohesion and Coherence

Cohesion and coherence refer to how well your writing flows and how your ideas are connected. Use transitional words and phrases to link your ideas, and make sure your paragraphs have a clear topic sentence and supporting details that relate to the main idea. Use appropriate referencing to link the ideas.


Task Response

Task response is how well you address the prompt or question given in the IELTS Writing test. Make sure you understand the prompt and address all aspects of the question. Avoid going off-topic or writing irrelevant information.


Lexical Resource

Lexical resource refers to your vocabulary and how effectively you use it. Use a variety of vocabulary and avoid repeating words or phrases. Use precise words and phrases that accurately convey your meaning. Be sure to use vocabulary that is appropriate for the level of formality required for the task.


Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Grammatical range and accuracy refer to your ability to use a variety of sentence structures and grammatical forms correctly. Avoid making common grammar mistakes and practice using a range of complex sentence structures. Use grammar in context and avoid using grammar structures that you are not comfortable with.

To improve your writing skills for the IELTS Writing test, focus on effective writing techniques. These include cohesion and coherence, task response, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. Ensure that you link your ideas well, address the prompt, use appropriate vocabulary, and use correct grammar to convey your ideas effectively.


Get Feedback on Your Writing to Prepare for IELTS Writing

Importance of Feedback

Getting feedback on your writing is crucial to improving your skills for the IELTS Writing test. Feedback can help you identify areas for improvement, such as grammar, vocabulary, organization, and coherence. Additionally, feedback can provide you with insights into your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to tailor your preparation to your individual needs.

Ways to Get Feedback

Online Resources

There are several online resources that can provide feedback on your writing. These include online writing communities, which offer peer review and feedback, as well as websites and apps that provide instant feedback on grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. You can also find sample essays and feedback on the IELTS website and other test preparation websites.

Writing Tutors

A writing tutor can provide you with personalized feedback on your writing, tailored to your individual needs. They can help you identify areas for improvement and provide you with strategies for improving your writing skills. You can find writing tutors through online tutoring services or through local tutoring centers.

Practice Tests

Taking practice tests is an excellent way to get feedback on your writing. You can submit your practice essays for grading and feedback, and you can also compare your essays to sample essays provided by test preparation companies. This can help you identify areas for improvement and help you develop strategies for improving your writing skills.

Getting feedback on your writing is essential for improving your skills for the IELTS Writing test. You can get feedback through online resources, writing tutors, and practice tests. Regardless of the method you choose, feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for improving your writing skills.


Tips for Exam Day

Get Proper Sleep

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for performing well on the IELTS Writing test. Make sure to get enough sleep the night before the test so that you feel refreshed and alert during the exam.

Arrive Before Time

Arriving early for the test can help you avoid unnecessary stress and ensure that you have enough time to check-in, get settled, and prepare for the test. Give yourself enough time to arrive at the test center and be ready to start the test on time.

Follow Test Instructions

Carefully read and follow the test instructions to avoid losing points for not following the guidelines. Make sure to understand the task and the time limits for each section. Ensure that you follow the instructions for formatting and structuring your essays.

Manage Time Properly During Exam

Effective time management is crucial for the IELTS Writing test. Make sure to allocate enough time for planning, writing, and reviewing your essays. Manage your time well and pace yourself during the test so that you have enough time to complete each task. Don't spend too much time on one task and neglect the others.

In summary, following these tips can help you perform well on the IELTS Writing test. Make sure to get enough sleep, arrive early, follow test instructions, and manage your time effectively during the exam. By doing so, you can reduce your stress levels, improve your focus, and increase your chances of getting a high score.



In this article, we discussed the importance of preparing for the IELTS Writing test and provided tips and strategies for achieving a 7.0 band score or above. We covered the test format, scoring criteria, common mistakes to avoid, and the importance of developing your writing skills. We also discussed effective writing techniques, the importance of feedback, and tips for exam day.

To further improve your writing skills for the IELTS Writing test, it is important to practice regularly, seek feedback, and review sample essays. Additionally, make sure to focus on developing your vocabulary, improving your grammar and sentence structure, and mastering the essay structure. Practice managing your time effectively during the exam and following test instructions.

Preparing for the IELTS Writing test can be challenging, but with dedication and practice, you can achieve your desired band score. Remember that it is important to stay focused, confident, and calm during the exam. Believe in yourself, and trust in the preparation you have done.

The IELTS Writing test is an essential part of the IELTS exam and requires careful preparation and practice. By following the tips and strategies discussed in this article, you can increase your chances of achieving a 7.0 band score or above. Good luck!